Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc.

Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc.
Central New Jersey Chapter

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Community News!! - Union Baptist Church - One Love Project "Soles 4 Souls"

The Central New Jersey Chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America, salutes the Union Baptist Church for their initiative in collecting over 300 pairs of new shoes to distribute to the homeless and less fortunate in our community.  On Sunday, November 13, 2011 the congregation was presented with shoes that will be delivered to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK), the Rescue Mission and the YMCA of the City of Trenton. The "One Love Project - Soles 4 Souls" was spearheaded by Deacon Ron Breese.  A special thank you to Dea. Breese and the Outreach Ministry of the Union Baptist Church for their effort in making the lives of our needy brothers and sisters in the community better by providing them with new shoes.  Under the leadership of Pastor Simeon Spencer, Union Baptist Church has been and continue to be a leader in reaching out to human kind in our community and region.  As Pastor Spencer prayed for the homeless and those who will receive these shoes, I was reminded of our pastors own words regarding generosity.  "To be a people of generosity:  Devotion, discipleship, worship and     maturity, at the end of the day, are all matters of the heart.  And "...where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Luke 12:34).  Our vision is to be a congregation whose generosity in the exercise of biblical stewardship of time, talent and tithe will refect our devotion, discipleship, worship and maturity.  As we are worshipping and maturing, we are looking out to tell others about Jesus and to show His love in action.  Jesus came in "word" and "deed," so we are to seek the lost in word and deed.  We proclaim the gospel of God's mercy, and we show His mercy.  Generous giving is an indispensable means to such ends, as we work to extend the Kingdom beyond these walls." 
The Central New Jersey Chapters' prayer is that those who receive these shoes will receive them in the spirit in which they were given.  That somehow, someway, God will move in the lives of these individuals and direct their path to Him. That they will walk in these shoes, not by sight, but my faith.  Knowing that God will provide food, clothes and shelter and that He promised never to leave us nor forsake us.  Yes, "Soles 4 Souls".  Thank you Pastor Spencer, Deacon Breese and the UBC church family.